Every child reading something they choose daily- This does not mean we are not instructing in the day it just means we give them time to read what they want.
Every child reads accurately- This is an idea that at times seems lofty but making sure a student has access to a text they can read should not be a point of negotiation. If it is a money issue buy fewer programs. I am sure those arguing against libraries in classrooms don't blink at the cost of AR, they should.
Every child reads something they understand- I do not think this point is a difficult one to meet if we are engaged in conferring with our students. If a reader has difficulty understanding a text the first thing to do is find out why, independent reading time should not be void of teacher interaction, we should be supports ready to lift when needed. Kind of like when kids are learning to ride a bike. They might not understand balance at first but after a few crashes and some coaching, they do. The same can be said about reading comprehension.
Every child reads and writes daily about something personally meaningful- But what about the time? No one is saying we should be spending all class but a quick chance to write about their day or their life, 10-15 minutes to read about what interests them. This won't delay their test readiness but it will increase their capability.
Every child talks with peers about reading and writing - There is power in peers talking about their thoughts, ideas and work together. Take advantage of it.
Every child listens to a fluent adult read aloud- One of my favorite things to do. Reading a book I love, or the kids love, or better yet we all love. Just for the sake of modeling reading fluently. It occasionally is an opportunity to show that we make mistakes when reading as well and how we pay attention and self-correct. I am pondering these 6 things and how not only I can use them to the maximum my student's growth but also help my own practice. 6 things to consider.
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