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Writer's pictureBrent Gilson

Small Things

Things Mr.G Thinks 1 This blog has taken on a different life this year, in the past, it was my forum to share my students work, the cool things we were doing and the fun I was trying. I have done that a lot less this year. I think because the work I am doing is changing. I miss the journalling though and we will be getting back into it more with some novels we will be working with after the break, The Giver or The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in Grade 8 and Peak in Grade 7. I am going to be purposeful in how I use the books with my students how we reflect and what we discuss. It will not be a matter of reading and answer these questions, collect some vocabulary but more meaningful thought proking reflection points. I am excited to get back to what I love about teaching, the work of Kylene Beers and Bob Probst, I am excited to work in a text with my students as a shared learning experience.

Things Mr.G Thinks 2 Ok, so I read 2 wordless picture books today that I picked up. My Hometown by Russell Griesmer and Small Things Mel Tregonning. Both remarkable and both will serve to fuel my classroom instruction with ideas already building. I want to take a minute though to talk about the impact Small Things had on me. A story about a boy that deals with all sorts of anxiety his "worry monsters" that slowly chip away and take from who he is. The story says so much without a word. The illustrations, just the emotions in the eyes of the characters. The aha moments I had for myself and for students I teach. This book could mean so much to so many. I plan to use it Monday. Anxiety is a real issue and seems to become greater and greater in the classroom with more and more students feeling the impact of their own worry monsters chipping away at their joyful learning. Books like Small THings help us to have the conversations. I look forward to the opportunity to introduce it to my students and see their thoughts and reflections. Until tomorrow.

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