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#SOL19 The slightest pain

March 2, 2019, Post 2 #SOL19

Gym Thinking

I start every morning but Sunday in the gym, by morning I mean I am there between 5:00-5:30 6 days a week for about an hour. Saturdays are my favourite because I can work out a bit longer. Today was a leg and shoulder day. As I moved into my squats I had this little pain in my knee. I ignored it and continued to work out, switching to another type of movement and the pain increased a bit. I rested a bit and returned to my activity but the pain soon returned.

I got to thinking about how we ignore little pains, little annoyances until they get bigger and then perhaps at that point we are too late. I look at the classroom and how we might have an issue with behaviours or academics that we ignore because they start small, how if we just paid more attention to them in their starting phases we wouldn't have catastrophic damage to repair later.

I look at the simple interventions we might put into the classroom as so easy that we sometimes take them for granted. Rest and relaxation give the body time to heal just like small changes in other areas when trouble starts to develop can reset the course and make things right.

It is March 2nd and the coldest day we have had so far this winter. The promise of warmer weather is on the horizon. So much connection in all the thinking today I have been doing but the down feeling I had today could really be due to this obnoxious Arctic air mass. Gratitude for a warm home and Gym.

Until tomorrow. #sol19

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